Our Sacramental Life
Eucharist: The community gathers for Mass at 12:30 pm on Sundays. All are welcome without exception! Jesus never turned anyone away who sought Him with a sincere heart and neither will we.
Reconciliation: As part of our Mass, General Absolution is usually offered to all gathered as part of the penitential rite. If you would like to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in a more intimate manner, please see the presiding priest 30 minutes prior to Mass.
Weddings: Please contact the pastor to discuss wedding plans.
Homebound: We will happily bring Holy Communion to any who are sick or homebound. Please call the pastor to make arrangements.
Baptism: Please call the pastor to schedule Baptism.
Anointing of the Sick: The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be offered as needed, both communally as well as individual visits to the hospital.
Confirmation: Confirmation is celebrated every year.
NOTE: If you are in need of immediate assistance from a Priest because of the death of a family member after office hours, or someone is in need of a priest because of an imminent death, please do not hesitate to contact the pastor.
Information about contacting the pastor can be found under “Contact Us.”